Career Advancement With Certificate III In Logistics TLI32410

The Certificate III (TLI32410) in logistics equips those who are ready to advance to a more responsible position in warehouse and logistics operations and to move ahead in their careers. Students learn the knowledge, skills, and procedures necessary to coordinate the distribution of goods to customers. They will also be trained and ready to apply for their Forklift License at the conclusion of the course.

How important are logistics? Whether it’s a business, a service organisation, or the government, people need to get what they need when they need it. In manufacturing, one critically important logistical operation is making sure that today’s production gets loaded onto the right trucks, in the right quantities, at the right time. That requires a plan and people trained to execute it. Logistics defines the success or failure of a business.

There is a Worldwide Need for Those Who Can Understand and Implement Logistics

How many jobs require a knowledge of logistics? The military has been employing the principles of logistics for thousands of years. They must supply their personnel with food, ammunition, and all of the other necessities, wherever they might be.

In the business world, Amazon, the lean and 5s masters,  mastered logistics and changed the rules for everyone. The products that they sell can be purchased elsewhere, with some of them in a store not far away. The difference between Amazon and their competitors is that Amazon understands logistics and has a better plan to implement strategies. They get the right products to the right people as quickly as possible and are always pushing to do better. As a result, companies large and small are scrambling to improve their own processes to meet their customer’s elevated expectations.

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What is Included in the Course for a Certificate in Logistics and Transport Level III?

There are no prerequisites. Anyone can register who has an interest in advancing their career by learning valuable logistical and transportation skills.

The cert III logistics and transport course includes:

  • Development of personal work priorities
  • Receiving and coordinating merchandise for shipment to customers
  • Handling customer problems
  • Selecting appropriate equipment
  • Understanding and using inventory systems for control of stock
  • Warehousing and packaging
  • Learning how to conduct stock counts
  • The required training so a student will be ready to apply for their Forklift License.

Possible Job Opportunities with a Cert III in Logistics

Those who have earned a Certificate iii in logistics have a critically important skill in the marketplace. CEOs and Operations Managers understand very well that they can manufacture incredible products, but if customers don’t receive what they ordered by the expected delivery date, the company will be in trouble. Every step of the logistics plan is important to the success of the company. Qualified people are needed to do the job in many warehousing, logistics, and transport applications.

Possible job titles relevant to a certificate in logistics and transport level 3 include:

  • Logistics Service Clerk
  • Logistics Administration Officer
  • Forklift Operator
  • Inventory and Supply Clerk
  • Stock Controller.

Receive these Benefits Following the Successful Completion of this Course

  • A certificate iii in transport and logistics is accredited and nationally recognised
  • Gain a very valuable qualification with skills relevant to your industry
  • Learn improved performance, productivity and teamwork skills
  • Improved and new knowledge and skills will further your career or begin a new one.

Looking for the next level up? Try the Certificate IV in Logistics TLI42010 and start advancing your career today.

Contact us to discuss how to receive these benefits for yourself or for your organisation and how to advance to the next level. Qualifications can be tailored to suit the needs of a particular business or industry.